There are many places where you can have Pho throughout US. Luckily in Honolulu there was a rumor that Pho 1 really have the best Pho and other Vietnamese dishes in town. Why not to checking it out!
Pho 1 Vietnamese Restaurant |
Grill Pork with Broken Rice |
Pho!!! |
Not to wait... Pho and Com tam are my personal signature Vietnamese dishes therefore it goes on the ordering list right away! For Pho, the meat and broth are both truly amazing. It gives the texture of meat flavor and broth temperature is exactly in the right degree. Smell of fresh onion and lime add up more flavor into it as well. For grill pork, the meat was very tender and juicy. For those who is current or will be visiting Honolulu, I highly recommend this place. It's really worth of visit. The restaurant local just right behind Ala Moana shopping mall on Kapiolani Blvd.
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